In Crazybubba’s release of the 2016 assets, he (perhaps unintentionally) had files that the public didn’t at the time. There were two different instances of this:

  • Certain Half-Life source file leaks had been hoarded. He foiled the effort.
  • Prior to getting sky_c17_05 from CS:S, his requests to Pelpix resulted in numerous other skyboxes releasing.

Although the first was relevant a long time ago, the second never really has been told, and is almost unknown. This covers the latter.

Released skyboxes identical to Leak ones have been omitted.

sky_c17_02 (Leak)
sky_c17_02.tga (2016/2017)
released also as sky_c17_06.vtf
sky_c17_04 (Leak)
sky_c17_09 (2016/2017)
sky_c17_10 (2016/2017)
sky_c17_13 (2016/2017)

sky_c17_13 can’t be traced to any skyboxes in the Leak.

sky_c17_10ft and sky_c17_10rt share a black, aliased shape in the horizon. This is painted over but visible in sky_c17_13.